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Tim Shepard always flirting with you to get under Dally’s skin. Everyone thinking that you could do so much better than Dallas. “ Will you stop that? Now go on, get outta here!” Trying to fix him up when he’s busted up but he won’t let you.

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Being uncomfortable with the fact that Dallas carries around a gun. Putting up with Dallas’s reckless driving. You can’t walk home at this hour and I’m too drunk to get you back.” “ You’ve got some nerve making a hood jealous, baby.” “ Touch her and you’re dead meat, buddy.” “ You go straight to Pony’s house and don’t leave until I get there.” “ What the hell were you thinkin’? Walkin’ around at this time of night when you could get jumped or killed?” Dally never saying I love you, but you know he does because he says things similar to it. Him trying not to swear so much around you. “ Do you know who you’re messin’ with, punk?” Walking down the street with Dallas’s arm over your shoulder. “ You’re getting more and more like me everyday.” he’d grin grimly. Dallas getting you to break minor laws. Dallas laughing at you for choking to death when you smoke for the first time. Meeting the gang and the gang getting protective of you. Constantly having really big fights with Dallas. You tending to be fiery and feisty when you’re mad. Getting annoyed when Dallas calls you a broad. Dallas teasing you and flirting with you all of the time. Being the only one that Dallas really let’s his guard down with. Putting up with Dallas’s terrible mood all around. When you get jumped, Dallas goes sick on anyone’s ass until he finds who hurt you. Dallas stealing things and giving them to you. Learning not to scold him for breaking the the law. Not letting himself get super soft or whipped. Dealing with him punching every guy that looks and talks to you. Hahah, sorry for the gushing! Here is your imagine, anon. Soda cried all night long after Mickey Mouse was sold, and thinks about him regularly.Anonymous said: Dating Dally Winston would include?Ī/N: I love Dally, he’s probably my favourite character from The Outsiders! I find that he’s pretty relatable as a character. He kicked other horses and was always getting into trouble." One day Mickey Mouse got sold, and Soda was heartbroken. Sodapop loved Mickey Mouse as if he was Soda's horse, and Mickey Mouse loved Soda he'd only come when Soda called. This horse was "a dark-gold buckskin, sassy and ornery, not much more than a colt". He took a specific liking to one horse named Mickey Mouse. Sodapop used to work in a stable when he was twelve years old. Ponyboy thinks of him as a funny fright train with legs. When asked by his younger brother why he liked to fight, he simply replied that it was fun and a challenge for him. Sodapop enjoys racing, fighting, dancing and basically anything that would blow off steam. In the book, it is also said by Ponyboy that Soda enjoys dancing or a drag race without even getting near alcohol, and that "it's rare to find a kid in our neighborhood who doesn't drink once in a while. She clearly didn't love him back, and he was heartbroken. She was moving to Florida so she could look after the baby. It turned out that Sandy was pregnant and had cheated on Soda with another man. After Pony and Johnny return from windrixille, Pony is surprised to find out that they broke up. Sodapop is dating, and in love with Sandy near the beginning of the book, a pretty girl with china blue eyes and blonde hair. He is idolized by his younger brother, Ponyboy, but feels like a middle-man being fought over by between both brothers in a "tug-a-war" between them. It's also mentioned that "he attracts girls like flies to honey," and that girls, both soc and greasers will get gas there just to stare at him. Sodapop Curtis dropped out of high school at sixteen, and works at the local DX (gas) station with his best buddy, Steve, fixing cars and working the pump mostly. He's got dark brown (recklessly, dancing) eyes and a goofy grin that you can't help but love (which is noted by Ponyboy after getting jumped by the Socs). He's said to be "movie star handsome," and has silky, dark gold hair (real tuff) that he combs back. Sodapop Patrick Curtis is the middle Curtis brother, and one of three deuteragonists of The Outsiders.

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